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To start creating your preview links, please watch the following step-by-step video tutorial, and read the steps lower down this page. For more information, see the FAQ page.

Getting Started

How to create a new preview link

How to create a link preview image

In order to display correctly on Facebook and Twitter, your link preview image should be 800x420 pixels (landscape view). Images with other aspect ratios often get cropped into a small square and do not display correctly.

To create your image, I recommend using Canva. It's a free online image editing and design tool that provides everything you need to create professional images for your links easily and quickly. Just follow the steps below to get started. Never use images from Google, these images are usually somebody's property and using them would be an infringement of copyright.

  1. Click here to access the Canva website and create your free account.
  2. Once you are logged in, click on the blue 'Create a design' button on the top right of the page.
  3. Click on 'Custom Size'
  4. Enter the width as 800 and the height as 420 and click 'Create new design'
  5. From here you can use the design tools on the left to make your design. If you have any probelms, click on the purple 'Help' button on the bottom left, and you will find handy tutorials for each design tool. There are also lots of tutorials on YouTube for Canva. Simply search on YouTube for 'How to use Canva' and you'll find hundreds of videos to help you create your design. I'd recommneed watching a recent one as Canva adds new features and updates often, so an old tutorial might not look the same as the most recent version of Canva.
  6. TIP: If you scroll down to the bottom of the left side menu (Templates, Uploads, Photos... etc.) Click on the 'More...' option at the very bottom and you can access thousands of professional images from Pexels or Pixabay. These images are royalty free, so they are safe to use on your design.
  7. Once you have created your image on Canva, click on the 'Download' button on the top right, to save your image as a .png file. You can then upload it to TWT.FYI whne you are adding your link.
  8. If you notice a mistake on your image after uploading, you can not edit it or change the image. You will need to delete that link completely and create a new one.

Although Canva is free, they do have a paid option. You'll often notice resources that have a little crown icon on them. These resources are only available to premium members. If you really want to use a premium resource, but you don't want to subscribe to Canva, they also give the option of paying for a single item as a one-off purchase so that you can add it to your design.

Useful Links

Pixabay and Pexels provide thousands of excellent, royalty free images. I've provided links to their websites below, but you can also access their images directly inside the Canva editor.

Video Play Buttons

A fake video play button on your image will definitely boost the number of clicks on your link. But I'd recommend that you only do this if you are linking to a website that has a video. You don't want to frustrate your visitors. If they click on a play button they will expect to be able to watch something.

Canva has some free video play buttons in the elements section. Once you've created your image, click on the 'Elements' button on the left menu and search for 'Play Button'. You can then add a button to your image. (TIP: Don't search for 'Video play button' as this seems to only return results for the premium images, not the free options.)

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